Nils Vermeulen solo

‘In search for the acoustic possibilities of the double bass, Nils Vermeulen is doing research on extended techniques in contemporary classical music. Within this solo project, he composes etudes on specific techniques and combines this with the freedom of improvised music, making his way into the tone world.’

(c) Charlotte Jacobs


Spring 2023 ‘variations’ release tour:


It’s finally there // my first solo double bass album

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‘Variations’ will be released end of April on Aspen edities 


On Nils Vermeulen’s first solo album, the sound of the double bass is the main variable. Recorded at the empty Ghent Opera, where every note, attack and vibration comes through, including the creaking of the wooden floor. There is no hiding in reverb, nor in easy playing. The strings Vermeulen uses on this recording (‘Tempera’ strings by Gerold Genssler), are inspired by traditional gut strings, and has lower tension to let the instrument resonate freely.

The pieces on the album, both composed and improvised, explore variations of techniques, proportions, and notes. Often, they depart from or tend to almost mathematical material, countered by Vermeulens highly intuitive playing.

Every tone has its acoustic universe, comprised of a multitude of other tones. All possible combinations already exist. The composer merely chooses one variation and organizes the sounds in a particular way.

‘Variations’ is produced in association with Troika <3 and KASK & Conservatorium Ghent

And check out these excerpts and the crazy videos Victor Van Rossem made ;





// Listen and watch // ‘Etude I’ by Nils Vermeulen //